Whether you're a restaurant, fast-food establishment, gastropub, catering company, or making some recipes for that cookbook you've been meaning to write, customers are more likely to try your food if they can see it first. How many times have you been in a restaurant wondering what to order, then you turn around to see what's being delivered to the table behind you, and thought, wow, that looks amazing!
Food photography covers more than just a quick picture of a dish. You can include the preparation process, serving suggestions including how it could look on the table in front of your customer, to a "buffet-style" shot of several of your dishes, showing perhaps a main, a couple of sides and drinks.
Add to that, some commercial property shots of your establishment (click here) and/or customers enjoying the vibe, food and general nature of your place, then you have the perfect marketing material to blitz social media, or to include in a menu, both printed and online, some great pictures to further add to the decor of your restaurant, or those all important cookery book or online photos.
Having also worked alongside several high profile food companies, such as Deliveroo, Just Eat and UberEats, I know very well what they specifically look for in their photos if this is a direction you'd like to go down.
Contact me now for more information and we can work together to get you exactly what you need for your food related business.
A few clients I've worked with...